Temporary Boat License
Temporary Boating License

If you are renting a watercraft for a short period of time, a Pleasure Craft Operators Card (PCOC) is not required by Transport Canada although it is recommended. Rental companies are equipped with a Transport Canada safety checklist, which they’ll walk customers through before heading out.
Pleasure Craft Operators Card (PCOC)
A Pleasure Craft Operators Card (PCOC) is your Transport Canada (TC) accredited proof of basic competency to operate a power-driven vessel of any size in Canada. It is also the first step in your journey to becoming a confident boater.
You can get your PCOC by taking an in-person or online course and successfully completing the exam. The card is good for life and is enforceable. If you’re out on the water, make sure you keep it handy as you can be pulled over and asked for it by law enforcement or volunteer officers.

We reserve the right to change any and all policies of Rogue Marine Rentals at any time without notice. To make sure that you are up-to-date with all of the latest changes, we advise you to frequently visit our policy pages.

- Location Address:
- 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. - 7 days a week
- info@roguemarinerentals.com
- 705-413-3737